Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday Mutterings

I bought a box of cereal at Target on Saturday. This is only a big deal because I cannot remember the last time I purchased a box of cereal, but think that I have only purchased 1 or 2 boxes since moving to Seattle 18 months ago and it was when I knew that guests were coming.

So you may be asking, "Why don’t you buy cereal?" Well it’s a number of reasons really, here goes…

  1. I remember a disgusting tid-bit from “the college class that ruined me” a.k.a. Microbiology 210 about the FDA setting a limit to the numbers of mouse parts and pieces that can be ground up in the cereal. I don’t know if it’s true or not, I have never taken the time to investigate it, but it’s disgusting to think about.

  2. I would eat it far too often if it was readily accessible and in my home. I fear that I would never cook because I could just come home and “have a bowl of cereal.”

  3. I often don’t know when to stop. Sometimes with the super-sweet cereals that we were not allowed to have as children I can completely over dose and then find myself suffering from a total sugar high.

  4. I think that as a rule cereal is over priced.

All that said I am a HUGE oatmeal fan and eat it nearly everyday. It’s just the cold cereal that I am talking about. Anyway… On Saturday I purchased a box of Vanilla Yogurt Burst Cheerios and I loved them. Last night I goggled the “mouse parts” rumor and cannot find anything to substantiate it so I think cereal may start appearing on my grocery list again.


I received several (3 to be exact) bug bites on my left arm on Saturday while at my brother’s house. They are still itchy today. I hate bug bites.


I cleaned my entire bedroom and closet yesterday. I moved the furniture out of the room and vacuumed and dusted and cleaned out drawers, closets, EVERYTHING! It feels really good to have a clean and organized space, I love it. Tonight I am attacking the kitchen pantry.

The bad thing about this project was that 4 hours into it, I could no longer breathe. All the dust made my asthma act up and gave me a raging headache.


My new boss has made plans or has already taken everyone on our team to lunch except me. Two weeks ago I noted this fact but was far too busy completing 2 really big projects that I deemed it an oversight on his part. He is back in the office this week and has still made no mention of it. If I weren’t doing such a kick ass job I would certainly think that my head was on the chopping block. It’s really bugging me, so I am going to say something to him about it.


Engineers ask WAY too many questions.


The weather has cooled down and bit and as far as I am concerned it’s perfect. Towards the end of the week it is going to be rainy. YEAH!


The leaves on the trees near my house are already changing colors.

=========== is pissing me off! I have the software on my computer and it’s supposed to track the songs that I listen to and report them to their website. I love the statistics and reports, but not if they are incorrect. The reports don’t include any of the songs that I listen to on my iPod, only those that play through the iTunes on my computer. I have checked the message boards and have tried the patches made by others but nothing is working. I sent an email to them last week ask for some assistance and have heard NOTHING back. Ugh!


I said “no” to something I would have said “yes” to a few weeks ago today. I think that is proof that the doormat recovery program is working.

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