Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday Morning Catch-Up

I have been reminded by a few of my regular readers that I have been a bit of a slacker on posting lately and they are right. I think it’s been the combination of battling a wicked head and chest cold, starting a new semester and being totally overwhelmed at work that has left me with little imagination and initiative to post anything.

It’s not because I don’t think about it. There are always several points in each and every day when I think… “I should post that!” but alas I haven’t.

So to those who have been disappointed the last 2 weeks, please accept my sincere apologies and I promise to get back in the groove starting right now…


I had a great weekend. The weather is absolutely perfect right now. The days are warm, sometimes rainy and sometimes sunny and the nights are cool. I have broken out a few of my sweaters. The leaves are turning bright shades everywhere you look. Oh, how I love this time of year.

I took a walk around Queen Anne yesterday instead of going to the gym. I love my neighborhood. I passed several people out working in their yards and move than a few homes that were proudly displaying jack-o-lanterns and Halloween lights.


Today is Columbus Day. Everyone I know is working today. Besides the employees of the federal government does anybody else get Columbus Day off? On second thought I guess the bankers are off today too. (

It’s kind of an odd holiday. Nobody really celebrates Columbus Day (except New Yorkers) and nearly everyone works but there is no mail delivery and you can’t make a deposit.

I think one of the DJ’s on my favorite radio station said it best this morning, “It’s not a real holiday if the meters aren’t free.”


I saw a story on the evening news that made me sad, Tower Records is closing. The parent company has been purchased by a consolidation company and they are liquidating all of the assets of the company. They have credited iTunes and other online music services for their decreased sales.

I have frequented the Tower Records in my neighborhood numerous times over the past year. The staff is friendly and helpful and I have always found what I wanted. I am sad that they are closing but somewhat excited to shop the sale.


I am feeling like the SDOT and anyone else who has the power to stop traffic has something against me personally. It seems that everywhere I try to go is under construction.

The last two weekends they have been diverting the traffic from the Mercer Street exit so that they can lay the tracks for the South Lake Union Trolley. I have not been hung up in the mess but have had to take longer route to avoid it.

There is a new building going up on Taylor Ave between Roy and Mercer. I have been told that the ground floor is going to be a Whole Foods and then the floors above will be condos. For the last 3 weeks they have had Taylor Ave reduced to one way and forcing all of the southbound traffic west and around the block. Going around the block is a pain because I always get hung up at the 2 stoplights. I was patient the first few times because I realized that the construction crews needed the extra space but now it’s getting really old. This morning it took me an additional 8 minutes to take the detour. I found an article complaining about the construction obstructing when turning onto Mercer so I am not the only one that is complaining.

Also getting to and from the gym has proven to be more and more of a challenge because of a cleanup project on Westlake Ave. They are cleaning up a huge spill that happened 25 years ago and will have it dug up until January of 2007.

It’s all incredibly frustrating.


The suction cup holder for my razor decided to fail me again. I am battling it on a daily basis again. Ugh!

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