Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Time for the weekend update again, the highlights:
  • Hosted a trivia night with most of "the usuals" from our pub trivia nights at Pyramid Ale House on Friday night. We divided into 2 teams and battled for the win for nearly six hours only to declare it a draw. The best part of the evening was watching friends rack their brains in an attempt to find answers to questions as the amount of beer consumed increased. Memorable names like "The Urkel Family" and "Cameron Electric" still make me chuckle.
  • Annoyed by a telemarketing call from Catherine's that woke me up at 8:11 a.m. to tell me about the latest promotion.
  • Attempted to get some additional sleep following the rude awakening and finally after an hour of watching TV managed to fall back asleep until just before 11:00 a.m. and then got up to deal with the kitchen nightmare and rinse the 47 empty bottles of beer and 1 bottle of wine from the night before in preparation for recycling.
  • Had wanted to attend the state Democratic Caucus but decided that I had too much to do and had slept too late.
  • Ran to the Metropolitian Market.
  • Completed all the prep work for the Pink and Red Dips from this recipe. I've never used 1/4 cup of paprika in a single recipe.
  • Enjoyed trying "new-to-me"African cuisine at "Cooking with Bacchus" event with Don at Kipp's home on Saturday night. Food included our Shrimp with Pink and Red Dips (see above), a Ethiopian soup with veggies and peanut butter, a beef stew with tomatoes, snow peas and bananas and roasted bananas for dessert. Along with lots of interesting and fun wines.
  • Completed 4 loads of laundry first thing Sunday morning fueled by a triple latte and a large cup of coffee.
  • Headed to Don's for a late lunch/early dinner of his yummy spaghetti with he and Kat followed by some "hangin' time" and watching the movie the The Emperor's New Groove.
  • Reviewed some final details, notes and procedures to prep for the audit at work on Monday.
  • Finally saw the final half of Woman of the Year which I have been sleeping through for nearly a week.
How was your weekend?

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