Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday Morning News

My commute home last night took 1 hour and 48 minutes. Ugh!


It's a miracle! The delete key on my keyboard works again! :-0


Sarah McLachlan was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night. She is promoting her new album, Wintersong. This album is like a dream come true for me! I love Sarah McLachlan and I love Christmas music. The two mixed together I am sure will send me to the moon! I am going to run out and pick it up this weekend.

Following her performance I was lying in bed and my thoughts naturally went to Christmas music. I LOVE Christmas music. I LOVE Christmas music so much that in college I created a mix tape called Merry Melodies and gave it to my friends and family for Christmas. The following year I made Crazy Christmas Cheer. Last year I recreated them on CD's and gave them as gifts.

I decided years ago that it was perfectly acceptable to begin listening to Christmas music as soon as Halloween was over. It drove my friends and family crazy and it never failed that by Christmas Day I was stick and tired of it. I hadn't given any thought to Christmas music thus far this year. Maybe I have been too busy with school and work and life, I don't know, but last night got me thinking about it and despite my excitement I have decided that I am going to hold out this year and not listen to any Christmas music (except when working on my Christmas CD mix for this year) until Thanksgiving weekend.


The construction project on my blog is nearly finished. I reviewed my "to-do" list last night and was pleased that it was nearly complete. YEAH!


Happy Thursday!

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